Monday, August 4, 2008

Pedicures, Pigs, and Pancakes

Today's letter of the day was "P." It may be my favorite letter so far.

First, R wore her pajamas the entire day--even to swim lessons and the library.

We checked out books with pigs, pirates, and parties (If You Give a Pig a Party and Pirates Don't Change Diapers).

We ate popcorn and watched the "Pigs Aplenty, Pigs Galore" episode of Between the Lions for morning snack.

Peanut butter for lunch (no different from any other day there).

Pedicures and pink polish after nap.

And pancakes for dinner.


patti said...

Beyond measure, I love it!

Katie said...

Oh my goodness, Amy! You're putting us to shame! ;)

SO adorable.