Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I love everyday people

That was actually the offertory music for Sunday's service accompanying a slide show of O-wood members serving around town and around the world. How fitting too then that this was the picture from the baptism on Sunday.

The most beautiful aspect of Benjamin's baptism, apart from the actual sacrament, was the picture of God's grace and His Church represented that morning on the platform. The photo hardly does it justice (I'm trying to track down a better shot) but you can see Dr. K, who performed one of the baptisms, Josh and Keely holding their adopted daughter Salem, Barry and Vicki with their son (Vicki's 4 yr. old son is there too, just hidden by the bald guy), and our family. In that small group represents the diversity of the body in age, race, gender and story. *

Salem was born in Ethiopia, abandoned, then rescued and adopted. She's the story of God's watchfulness on the sparrow and of Him using ordinary people to fix brokenness in this world. Barry and Vicki have a great story of finding one another and blending their family together, of God working in hearts, of two cultures coming together. And then there's us--kinda the boring story but a story of grace, God's faithfulness and provision, and a legacy of Christian parents. The beauty of people and the beauty of grace.
*Thanks to Keely for the improved picture.


Leslie said...

"God sets the lonely in families."--Psalm 68:6

The redemption of His creation is a beautiful process. How fitting that He would perform this miracle through the family: making two into one and adopting the fatherless.

patti said...

I love it...the picture of the gospel right there! Thanks for reminding me to redeem my little corner of the world in Jesus' name. Every day. In little things.

Katie said...

That's so true and so beautiful, Amy.