Saturday, April 26, 2008

In a Box

I was recently asked to categorize what kind of books (fiction) I like to read. (The publisher of Andrew Peterson's novel is looking to do more online book tours through blogs so I might get a few more books tossed my way to read, review, and write about.) There were some suggestions listed: mystery, historical, chick lit, suspense, romance.

Um, is "good" a choice?

I tried to think into what genre some of my recent favorites would fall.

The Thursday Next series - sci-fi, crime, literary-geek-chic?

Dwelling Places - Midwestern/Americana, dysfunctional family, Christian lit?

The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency - multicultural feminist mystery?

I think the best novels defy genre-specific definitions. And some of the best books I read have a generic category on the surface but are really much more than that. I don't usually like Westerns per se, but I enjoyed Peace Like a River and The Whistling Season. I don't read much fantasy literature, but then came Harry Potter.

So it will be interesting to see what novels I might get sent based on the information I gave. There will also be some nonfiction stuff too. Of course, dear reader, you will see it all here.

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